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Schedule Change Guidelines 2022-2023

After May 6, 2022, schedule changes must meet one of the guidelines below:

Schedule Change Guidelines:

Only schedules that meet the following criteria will be considered for changes:

  • Counselors may change schedules in order to balance a class size.

  • Seniors not enrolled in a course REQUIRED for graduation

  • Students scheduled are on a course for which they already have credit.

  • A student is enrolled in a course for which the student does not have the prerequisite.

  • A student has an incomplete schedule

  • Students enrolled/not enrolled in an application/audition course for which they were approved/not approved or cannot meet extracurricular requirements, of course

  • A student has failed a course and needs to repeat the course

  • Change is needed as a result of a credit earned at summer school or correspondence course.

  • Endorsement changes trigger a schedule change that is subject to these guidelines; endorsement changes are best made in the spring course selection window.

  • Students enrolled in Dual Credit or AP classes who did not pass their TSI test

  • Students may not be removed from any class, including athletics in the 3rd and the 6th six weeks.

  • If you feel you meet one of these guidelines, please contact your counselor.

Exit Guidelines for Honors/AP courses:

  • Hirschi's goal is to support and retain all students in Honors & AP courses each year. 

  • All Honors and AP courses will not be changed until the 7th week of school after the teacher and parent/guardian have had a face-to-face/virtual  conference and have both agreed to the change.  

  • A “Request to Drop” form has to be signed by the teacher, parent/guardian, counselor, assistant principal and student. The form has to be turned in to the counselor. 

  • Depending on graduation requirements and credits needed, students attempting to drop an Honors/AP course for which there is no equivalent may have to remain in the course until the end of the semester.  (For example, AP Human Geography, AP European History, Honors Spanish 3, etc.)